Online Forms & Instructions

From this page, FSU employees may open several Accounts Payable forms in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets or Adobe Acrobat. Please always open these forms from this website to ensure you are using the current version of the form. In addition, this page includes instructions for using each of the forms in Microsoft Excel and for submitting the completed forms for processing. Any questions on using the forms should be directed to the Accounts Payable Office at extension 4324 or 4325.


单击上面以在Microsoft Excel中打开当前 差旅申请,费用和预支表格 各部门都在使用. 任何在旧表格上提交的东西, 或者任何不完整的形式, 会不会被处理,会不会被退回部门. 如果没有Microsoft Excel,请使用adobeacrobatform. A department or project signature is required on the Advance form for any Advances that are not Travel or Salary.


  1. 双击链接可在microsoftexcel中打开下载的表单.
  2. 填写表格的黄色阴影区域.
  3. 如果您想保留电子副本,请将表格以您选择的名称保存.
  4. 列印填妥的表格.
  5. 获得必要的签名.
  6. 附上适当的收据及证明文件.
  7. 把它送到应付帐款办公室,由琳达·伯尔注意.

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点击上面以在Microsoft Excel中打开 赞成和反对表格 各部门都在使用. Please always open these forms from this website to ensure you are using the current version of the form. 任何在旧表格上提交的东西, 否则,任何不完整的表格将不予处理,并将退还给部门. 如果没有excel,请使用adobeacrobatform. The payee must sign the form to certify that the claim is just and correct and payment has not been received.


  1. 双击链接可在microsoftexcel中打开下载的表单.
  2. 填写表格的黄色阴影区域.
  3. 如果您想保留电子副本,请将表格以您选择的名称保存.
  4. 列印填妥的表格.
  5. 获得必要的签名.
  6. 附上适当的分项原始收据和证明文件.
  7. 把它送到应付帐款办公室.
  • Fill out the nine digit social security number or the seven digit employee id without any dashes or spaces. 它会自动格式化.
  • Fill out the seven digit Department or Project number and the six digit account without any dashes, spaces, 或任何其他特殊字符. Any forms without complete accounting information 会不会被处理,会不会被退回部门.
  • 要求报销的个人也必须在表格上签名. If the requester is also the account manager then their supervisor must sign the form as account manager. 请求者不能批准付款给自己.
  • Make sure all necessary signatures are obtained before sending to Accounts Payable (Manager, Budget, 及/或拨款会计).
  • Itemized original receipts and/or other supporting documentation must be attached including the business purpose.
  • 销售税将不予退还.
  • Meal / Food Reimbursement will not be made in excess of the meal reimbursement rates set in the USM Reimbursement Policy.
  • Reimbursement for food served on campus will not be made without a written exception from the Office of Administration and Finance.
  • 所有的食物或娱乐报销都需要一份与会者名单.

“赞成和反对”表格, 附有收据正本, 仅用于报销员工的紧急采购. All normal procurements should be made by either using a Procurement Card or a Purchase Order. 在正常购买中使用“赞成和反对”表单会导致几个问题.

  1. 你支付销售税是因为你以个人身份购买商品. 在正常采购过程中,学校免征销售税. 你所付的任何销售税都不会得到补偿.
  2. 你在绕过州政府的责任抵消计划.
  3. 你是在回避为卖主申报1099年的应税收入. Instead, this gets reported to the IRS as 1099 taxable income to you as the payee if the payment was for a 1099 reportable service.
  4. 您正在绕过供应商付款跟踪.

你不应该付钱给雇员或学生,然后要求报销. 澳门十大赌城官方网站不能给你报销. 由于纳税义务,这笔钱必须通过工资单直接支付给个人. Additionally, you should never pay a vendor and request for reimbursement for anything that would be considered 1099 taxable,通常是任何类型的服务(i.e. 物体08中的几乎所有东西, 餐馆的食物, catering, printing, honorariums, performers, repairs, etc.) 这样做会导致这笔钱作为你的应税收入报告给国税局.

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双击上面的链接在Microsoft Excel中打开 索取合约表格 and 表演者、讲师及顾问报销表格. Please always open these forms from this website to ensure you are using the current version of the form. 任何以旧表格提交的报销请求, 或者任何不完整的形式 will not be processed and will be returned to the initiating department. 如果没有Microsoft Excel,请使用adobeacrobatforms.


  1. 双击链接以在microsoftexcel中打开表单.
  2. 填写表格的黄色阴影区域.
  3. 如果您想保留电子副本,请将表格以您选择的名称保存.
  4. 列印填妥的表格.
  5. 打印完申请表后,将其发送给采购部门.


    一旦您打印了完整的报销表格,包括采购订单号码, 取得任何所需的签名, 附上适当的收据及证明文件, 然后寄到应付帐款办公室.

所有演出、讲座、顾问等合同要求. 除了申请单和报销单外,还需要一个申请单. 完成申请就像你做任何其他申请一样. In the description enter that this is a contract request for (name of the function) and the dates of the function. 将任何特殊注释放在标题注释中. On the distribution line make sure you fill in the appropriate account for the service you are requesting (082100 for Management Studies & 表演艺术家咨询,089939 & 乐手,及089973领取酬金). Once you have entered the requisition write the number on the completed contract request form in the space provided and send the form to the Procurement Office. The Department/Project and Budget approvals are via the on-line requisitioning process in PeopleSoft. Once Procurement receives the request form and the approved and budget checked requisition they will draw up a contract and send it to the vendor for signature. Once the signed contract is received the requisition will be rolled to a Purchase Order and the original contract will be sent to Accounts Payable. Once a purchase order is issued you may send the completed reimbursement request form with the Purchase Order number recorded on it to Accounts Payable. Once Accounts Payable has the original contract and the reimbursement form with Purchase Order number on it they can process the paper work and send it to the State for payment.

For any departments that have the authority to prepare their own contracts for performances, 仍然需要申请单,但不需要申请单. 在描述中只需要输入函数名和日期. 在标题注释中输入已签署的合同已经完成. On the distribution line make sure you fill in the appropriate account for the service you are requesting (082100 for Management Studies & 表演艺术家咨询,089939 & 乐手,及089973领取酬金). 一旦申请单被批准和预算检查,采购部门将发出采购订单. Put the purchase order number on the completed reimbursement form and send it along with the original contract to Accounts Payable for processing.

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双击上面可在Microsoft Excel中打开 书店部门借记卡存款表 各部门都在使用. Please always open these forms from this website to ensure you are using the current version of the form. 任何在旧表格上提交的东西, 否则,任何不完整的表格将不予处理,并将退还给部门. 如果没有excel,请打印并使用adobeacrobatform. 请参阅书店部门借记卡及帐项政策(PDF).


  1. 双击链接以在microsoftexcel中打开表单.
  2. 填写表格的黄色阴影区域.
  3. 如果您想保留电子副本,请将表格以您选择的名称保存.
  4. 列印填妥的表格.
  5. 获得必要的签名.
  6. 把它送到总会计处

*注:借记卡只供部门使用. 它们不能用于项目(赠款).

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双击上面可在Microsoft Excel中打开 书店收费帐户申请合约及资助 那项目是要用的. Please always open these forms from this website to ensure you are using the current version of the form. 任何在旧表格上提交的东西, 否则,任何不完整的表格将不予处理,并将退还给部门. 如果没有excel,请打印并使用adobeacrobatform. 请参阅书店部门借记卡及帐项政策(PDF).


  1. 双击链接以在microsoftexcel中打开表单.
  2. 填写表格的黄色阴影区域.
  3. 如果您想保留电子副本,请将表格以您选择的名称保存.
  4. 列印填妥的表格.
  5. 获得必要的签名.
  6. 把它送到总会计处.

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双击上面可在Microsoft Excel中打开 餐饮服务借记卡存款表 各部门都在使用. Please always open these forms from the web to ensure you are using the current version of the form. 任何在旧表格上提交的东西, 否则,任何不完整的表格将不予处理,并将退还给部门. 如果没有excel,请打印并使用adobeacrobatform. 请参阅餐饮服务部门借记卡政策(PDF)


  1. 双击链接以在microsoftexcel中打开表单.
  2. 填写表格的黄色阴影区域.
  3. 如果您想保留电子副本,请将表格以您选择的名称保存.
  4. 列印填妥的表格.
  5. 获得必要的签名.
  6. 把它送到总会计处.

*Note: Dining Debit Cards are to be used for official business only and can only be used by departments. 用餐借记卡不能用于项目(资助).

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双击上面可在Microsoft Excel中打开 食品服务审批表格 各部门都在使用. Please always open this form from the web to ensure you are using the current version of the form. 任何在旧表格上提交的东西, 否则,任何不完整的表格将不予处理,并将退还给部门. 如果没有excel,请打印并使用adobeacrobatform.


  1. 双击链接以在microsoftexcel中打开表单.
  2. 填写表格的黄色阴影区域.
  3. 如果您想保留电子副本,请将表格以您选择的名称保存.
  4. 列印填妥的表格.
  5. 获得必要的签名.
  6. 将其与您的支持和反对表格一起发送到应付帐款办公室, 或您的申请单/订单号码.

*注:根据马里兰州政策大学基金 cannot be utilized to purchase food service for any social functions or activities such as holiday parties, 退休派对, birthday parties, showers, 欢迎或告别派对, office parties, etc. 它也不允许正常类型的员工会议提供食品服务. 在任何情况下都不允许购买酒类. 在FSU下被认为是不允许的任何食品服务, USM, or State of Maryland policy will be the personal liability of the individual and/or the department manager contracting for the services.

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双击上面可在Microsoft Excel中打开 食品服务例外授权表 各部门都在使用. Please always open this form from the web to ensure you are using the current version of the form. 任何在旧表格上提交的东西, 否则,任何不完整的表格将不予处理,并将退还给部门. 如果没有excel,请打印并使用adobeacrobatform.


  1. 双击链接以在microsoftexcel中打开表单.
  2. 填写表格的黄色阴影区域.
  3. 如果您想保留电子副本,请将表格以您选择的名称保存.
  4. 列印填妥的表格.
  5. 获得必要的签名.
  6. 将其与您的支持和反对表格一起发送到应付帐款办公室, 或您的申请单/订单号码.

*Note: All food served on University property should be provided by the University’s food service contractor (currently Chartwells). This form must be used to obtain pre-approval not use the University’s food service contractor. 价格不能作为例外的理由. 例外情况很少被允许. The most common exception would be in the rare case that the contractor is unable to provide the service.

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Vendor Forms

  • W-9 Request Form

    双击上面的链接打开 W-9 Request Form in Adobe Acrobat. 本表格须由所有美国学生填写及签署.S. 在他们被加入大学的供应商系统之前. This is an IRS form used to verify a vendor's (including employees and individuals) Federal Tax ID or Social Security Number, 和美国国税局的申报情况. 没有此表格,澳门十大赌城官方网站无法发出采购订单,也无法付款. 填妥的表格应送交应付帐款. 表格亦可传真至301.687.4494.

    In the case of a foreign vendor we must have the appropriate W-8 form completed with an original signature before they can be added to the vendor system. 各种W-8表格和说明可从 IRS. W-8表格的原始签名必须发送到应付账款. 不接受传真.

  • 供应商申请表格

    双击上面可在Microsoft Excel中打开 供应商申请表格 部门将使用这些信息来请求将供应商添加到系统中. Please always open these forms from the web to ensure you are using the current version of the form. 如果没有excel,请打印并使用adobeacrobatform.


    1. 双击链接以在microsoftexcel中打开表单.
    2. 填写表格的黄色阴影区域.
    3. 如果您想保留电子副本,请将表格以您选择的名称保存.
    4. 列印填妥的表格.
    5. 获得必要的签名.
    6. 连同相应的W-9或W-8表格一起寄到应付帐款办公室.

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双击上面打开 奖品及奖励表格 这是部门用来报告所有非现金礼品的, prizes, 以及用于纳税申报和负债目的的奖励. Please always open these forms from the web to ensure you are using the current version of the form. 任何在旧表格上提交的东西, 否则,任何不完整的表格将不予处理,并将退还给部门.


  1. 双击链接以在Adobe中打开表单.
  2. 请填写表格.
  3. 如果您想保留电子副本,请将表格以您选择的名称保存.
  4. 列印填妥的表格.
  5. 获得必要的签名.
  6. 把它送到总会计处.


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Telephone: 301.687.4325
Fax: 301.687.4494