

学生心理咨询 Center offers group therapy for students, which is often more effective than individual therapy for certain issues. For many emotional and relationship concerns that college students face, 分组治疗是最佳的治疗选择. Groups may be focused on specific themes and needed skills for coping with issues such as anxiety/depression, 悲伤, 或者身体形象. Others are more general counseling groups that assist individuals in resolving a broad range of personal issues, 包括设定适当的界限, 沟通方面的挑战, 自尊的困难, 关系问题. 很多次, a group can be more helpful than individual counseling because it is an opportunity to receive multiple perspectives, 支持, 鼓励, and feedback from other individuals in a safe and confidential environment. Group sessions are facilitated by one or two therapists and provide an opportunity for you to meet with other students who share similar challenges and interests. 在大多数情况下, potential group members need to schedule a 30-60 minute session with the group leader to get more information and answer a few questions to ensure the group is a good fit. Group size is generally between 6-10 students and will meet weekly lasting approximately 60-90 minutes.


团体治疗是一种有效的治疗策略. 通过分享过程, members can develop a level of trust that allows them to be honest, 彼此敞开心扉, 互相接受.  在治疗师的指导下, 这个过程创造了一个强大的成长工具, 自我意识, 和改变. 对澳门十大赌城官方网站大多数人来说, many of our day-to-day relationships may be constrained by social conventions that prohibit directness, 诚实, 以及“真实的”互动. We want to know what people really think and maybe want to share our own thoughts and feelings but "something" inhibits this genuine interaction. When people learn to interact freely with other group members, interpersonal patterns arise and 自我意识 develops, members experiment with new communication strategies or coping skills, and individuals gain compassion for themselves and others. 另外, many students feel that they are somehow weird or "wrong" because of their feelings or problems. 作为小组成员, it can be encouraging to hear that other students have similar difficulties and are learning or have found ways to cope.  Students who have attended groups usually comment on their surprise at how much they enjoyed and benefited from their experience.


Before attending the group, you will be scheduled for a pre-group intake with the group leader. This meeting is focused both on the types of problems you are experiencing and a description of the particular group. 如果双方都认为这组人很合适, 临床医生提供有关会议时间的信息. The first sessions usually focus on the establishment of trust. Everything that is discussed in counseling groups is considered confidential. It is not to be discussed outside the group, even with other group individuals.  Group therapist(s) and members work towards establishing a level of trust that allows them to communicate openly and honestly. Members are encouraged to give 支持 and feedback to others and to work with the reactions and responses that other members' contributions bring up for them. Unexpressed feelings are a major reason why people experience difficulties and distress in life.  Sharing your thoughts and feelings in a safe and 支持ive environment is an important part of group therapy and strongly affects how much you will be helped.


Answer: Unexpressed feelings are a major reason why people experience difficulties and distress in life.  Sharing your thoughts and feelings in a safe and 支持ive environment is an important part of group therapy and strongly affects how much you will be helped. Group leaders will encourage members to share their difficulties and distress but each member of the group gets to decide how much they share with the group.  Most members are worried about sharing in the group initially and it might take a little time for them to feel okay about talking, 但通常, they eventually start sharing in the group even though they are uncomfortable.

I am scared to talk to people in groups is this common for group members?
Answer: Most group members express this concern before joining the group. It can be very scary to talk to people you don't know about your problems. Many group members stated that although they initially feared talking, 在几个疗程内, 他们聊得越来越自在了. 在小组结束的时候, many members shared that they felt much more comfortable talking within the group than when they started. Most students report how much they enjoyed the experience of listening to others and knowing that others were listening to them.

How can I be helped in a group if everyone's problems are different?
Answer: Each individual is unique as are their struggles. 然而,作为人类,澳门十大赌城官方网站有很多共同点. 澳门十大赌城官方网站对伤害的反应都很相似. We all have the same basic capacity to grow 和改变. The root causes of our problems in living have to do with patterns and habits that we have learned during our formative years that are not working well in our current life circumstances or are holding us back. 团体提供了一个安全而强大的体验空间, 理解, 改变这些习惯和模式.

For those interested in joining any of these groups, please call the 学生心理咨询 Center at 301-687-4234
