教师 & 工作人员


Dr. 约翰·麦克伦

Dr. 约翰·麦克伦

办公室: 美国街7号,3楼
电话: 301.687.3162
电子邮件: jmcmullen@catherinelindsay-sculpts.com


Ph.D. VA. 科技
M.A. 西弗吉尼亚大学
B.A. 前苏联



  • 额外的信息



    Dr. 约翰·麦克伦 is an associate professor of sociology 和 has been at Frostburg since 2000. 他获得了博士学位.D. 是弗吉尼亚理工大学社会学专业的. 他有个M.A. in applied social research from 西弗吉尼亚大学, 和 earned a Bachelor's in sociology from Frostburg in 1988.

    他的研究包括对农村治安和软禁的研究, 和 most recently assisting with a statewide study of low-income individuals in Maryl和. Dr. 麦克马伦曾任职于大学系统学院理事会, 教员手册委员会, 教师上诉, 阿勒格尼县少年审查委员会, 及人力资源发展委员会. In addition to this he has been the chapter representative for Alpha Kappa Delta (Sociology Honor Society) 和 director of internships.

    Dr. 麦克马伦教授各种各样的课程,包括社会学导论, 不正常的行为, 犯罪学, 青少年犯罪, 美国惩教制度, 研究方法, 城市生活社会学, “工作与职业社会学”, 种族和犯罪.

Dr. 罗伯特•摩尔


办公室: 美国街7号,3楼
电话: 301.687.4995 (在此期间首选电子邮件)
电子邮件: rmoore@catherinelindsay-sculpts.com


Ph.D.天普大学. (社会学)



  • 额外的信息



    Dr. 自1998年以来,摩尔一直在澳门十大赌城官方网站任教. 据他所知, 他是宾夕法尼亚社会学学会的首任会长, 2000, who was employed at an institution of higher education outside of the state of Pennsylvania. 他是非裔美国人研究项目的前任协调员, 2003-2007, 自2007年起担任社会学系主任. 他是学生出国留学经历的强烈倡导者, 在罗马度过了一个学期的留学经历, 和实习.

    他编辑了三本书,写了一本. 第一本编辑过的书是关于美国农村社会问题的,The Hidden America: 社会问题 in Rural America for the Twenty-first Century. 接下来的两篇是关于大学校园里的种族关系, The Quality 和 Quantity of Contact: African Americans 和 Whites on College 校园es, 和, 非裔美国人和白人:大学校园里不断变化的关系. The book written by himself was about growing up in an inner-ring suburb of Philadelphia in the 1960s titled, “They always said I would marry a white girl”: Coming to Grips with Race in America. 他接受了C-Span电视台http://www的采访.c - span.org/video/?288724 - 11 / they-marry-white-girl&开始= 115 booktv.

    One of his most memorable moments was a group 演讲 at Howard University, 由美利坚大学社会学系主办, 在布莱克本礼堂, 4月, 2003, with authors that contributed to an edited volume on race relations on college campuses.

    他曾因服务而获得学院成就奖, 2004, 和教学, 2003, 并获得了教务委员会教学奖的提名, 2005. President Gira appointed him to a state task force on African American men in the state of Maryl和.

    去年秋天,他在滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)休假, 2004, 他是那里的客座副教授. He had the opportunity to teach a course on race to students at University of Waterloo at that time. 在那里,他让孩子们在加拿大的公立学校就读.

    He was nominated for the Executive Committee three times for the Southern Sociological Society. 作为南方社会学学会的一员, 他是CREM的主席, 2003-2005, 少数民族委员会. As chair of the committee he organized numerous panel 演讲s including a tribute to the work of James Jackson, 社会研究所, 密歇根大学.

    他还帮助协调南费城一名国会议员的选区, turning down a subsequent job offer from the Congressman to pursue his doctoral degree. 他出版了一本旅游杂志,叫做, 酷的旅行者, for approximately seven years that was sold in 130 bookstores in three countries.

    His current research interests include interracial contact 和 the overall position of African Americans in our society. The theoretical orientation he is most interested that supports his research interests stems from a short article Herbert Blumer published in the 1958 edition of the sociological journal published by the Pacific Sociological Review, 《种族偏见是一种群体地位意识."

Dr. 丹尼尔Moorehead

Dr. 丹尼尔Moorehead

办公室: 美国街7号,3楼
电话: 301.687.7965
电子邮件: dlmoorehead@catherinelindsay-sculpts.com



  • 额外的信息

    动物与社会, 修正, 犯罪, 犯罪, 异常, 婚姻与家庭, 教育社会学, 社会问题.

    Dr. 丹尼尔Moorehead is 副教授 of Sociology at 澳门十大赌城官方网站. Dr. 自2006年以来,摩尔黑德一直是社会学系的教员. 他努力在他的教室里创造一个“学习社区”, 通过分享信息促进学习过程的参与, 的想法, 和经验. 他的课程”人类社会中的动物” has been nominated several times for the Award of Outst和ing Course on Animals & 社会”克利夫顿·布莱恩特动物 & 社会课程奖励.2018年,他还获得了杰出导师奖.

    有关博士的资料. 摩尔黑德的“人类社会中的动物”课程(社会-420) & 协会网站提供了一些额外的信息.

    Dr. 摩尔黑德活跃于几个大学委员会, 文理学院课程委员会, 教师参议院, 教务委员会, 教职员申诉委员会, 学生操守聆讯小组. He is Advisor to the student group “Students Against the Irresponsible Treatment of Animals,” 和 has served as the 图书馆 Representative for the 社会学系 from 2008 to Present.

    Dr. Moorehead还担任HART for Animals Inc .的管理委员会成员. (Helping Animals through Rescue 和 Transport) a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit corporation. 董事会成员只能由邀请选出.

Dr. 卡拉·罗杰斯·托马斯

Dr. 卡拉·罗杰斯·托马斯

办公室: 美国街7号,3楼
电话: 301.687.3124
电子邮件: krogersthomas@catherinelindsay-sculpts.com


Ph.D. 印第安纳大学,民俗学和美国研究
M.A. 印第安纳大学民俗学
2 B.A. 密苏里大学宗教研究学位 & 人类学



  • 额外的信息

    文化人类学, Sociology of Religion, Folklore in Appalachia, Interdisciplinary Studies


    Dr. 卡拉·罗杰斯·托马斯是一位社会学教授. She holds a combined PhD in Folklore 和 American Studies 和 an MA in Folkore from Indiana University-Bloomington, 和 a BA in 人类学 和 Religious Studies from the University of Missouri- Columbia.

    她是文化人类学辅修课程的协调员. Her interdisciplinary academic interests include: Folklore 和 Folklife Studies, 阿巴拉契亚的研究, 文化人类学, 及环境社会学.

    As a partner with the Maryl和 Traditions Program of the Maryl和 State Arts Council, Dr. Rogers Thomas directs Folklore 和 Folklife Programming at 澳门十大赌城官方网站. 作为这些努力的一部分, she coordinates the annual 前苏联 Appalachian Festival in September 和 manages Mountain City Traditional Arts, 这是弗罗斯特堡主街上一家专门销售的商店和场所, 演讲, documentation 和 perpetuation of the traditional arts in the Appalachian region.

    Since the mid-1990s, her academic work 和 research has focused on the Appalachian Region. She is an Appalachian Teaching Fellow through the Appalachian Teaching Project, supported by the Appalachian Regional Commission 和 East Tennessee State University. Those efforts highlight student experiential 和 service learning in the region, providing students with the opportunity to present their work to ARC officials 和 ATP participants each Fall 和 to attend 和 participate in the 阿巴拉契亚的研究 Association annual conference each Spring.

    Dr. 卡拉·罗杰斯·托马斯 is a 2012-2013 University of Maryl和 Board of Regents’ 教师 Award Winner in Public Service. 她目前是总统可持续发展咨询委员会主席, 前苏联荣誉委员会的成员, 和 a member of the Advisory Committee for the Interdisciplinary Minor in Sustainability. 每年春天,博士. 罗杰斯·托马斯协调福克斯·弗罗斯特堡, 一个以环境和文化可持续性为中心的校园活动.

    Dr. 卡拉·罗杰斯·托马斯 has formerly served as president of the Middle Atlantic Folklife Association, 和 is a member of the American Folklore Society 和 the 阿巴拉契亚的研究 Association. 她曾在该地区的多个董事会和组织任职.



Dr. 李魏

Dr. 李魏

办公室: 美国街7号,3楼
电话: 301.687.3412
电子邮件: wli@catherinelindsay-sculpts.com



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    Dr. 李伟,澳门十大赌城官方网站社会学副教授. 他于2008年8月加入社会学系. 他教社会学导论, 经典社会学理论, 和当代社会学理论. 他还在社会学系外讲授了几门课程, 包括基础日语, 中级日语, 和日本历史.

    除了教学之外,Dr. 李还积极从事其他专业活动. 他曾在几个大学委员会任职.

    He published a book about China’s ethnic policy 和 how it affected China’s modernization in the late Qing dynasty. He was twice invited by Voice of America to comment on China’s social issues 和 China-Japan relations. He also serves American Council on Education as an evaluator of college-level Japanese 和 Sociology courses.




办公室: 美国街7号2楼
电话: 301.687.7497
电子邮件: ajbucy@catherinelindsay-sculpts.com