Strategic Goal 3 - 行动项目

3. Expand regional outreach and engagement.

  1. Support economic development in Western Maryland through targeted initiatives. 

    • 行动项目7

      Frostburg State University fosters regional development through increased: 1) number of graduates employed in the region; 2) number of businesses created by faculty, 工作人员, or graduates; and 3) number of collaborative regional development projects.

      Supports 战略目标 3.A b c

      Responsible Division/Vice President: Regional Engagement/Mr. 迪莉娅

      2023年的结果: Career placement data indicate FSU graduates are employed within the region and state in appropriate career tracks within six months of graduation.

      注: This needs further development

    • Progress 2016-2018


      行动项目 & Allocation of Resources  

      During the summer 2017 planning retreat, several strategic initiatives were identified for funding. Funds were set aside to a) focus on increased marketing and recruitment efforts; b) begin a regional assessment of career opportunities for graduates; c) study the feasibility of advising centers; and, d) use analytics to improve retention/graduation rates and budgeting/resource allocation.

      Funded 行动项目

      a. Marketing and recruiting: Approximately $75,000 was allocated to additional initiatives that included:

      • a narrated campus virtual tour
      • additional student connection opportunities through Hobsons 
      • advertising at bus stops at feeder schools where students use public transportation
      • expanded targeted social media advertising in the regional resident zone
      • Bobcat Boxes sent to alumni who are teachers

      b. Regional career opportunities: No University funds required.

      • utilizing funds from the governor to establish a VP for Regional Development 

      c. Advising centers feasibility

      d. Analytics for recruitment and retention: No University funds required.

      • utilizing Helio校园, a higher education analytics platform that solves admissions, student retention and recruiting problems.
  1. Provide opportunities for student engagement to address community needs in the region. 

    • 行动项目5

      Frostburg State University integrates civic learning and democratic engagement into the curricular and co-curricular student experience.

      Supports 战略目标 3.B

      Responsible Division/Vice President: Student Affairs/Dr. 特拉维斯

      参与者: 教师; 工作人员; Academic Affairs/Dr. Throop; Regional Engagement/Mr. 迪莉娅

      2023年的结果: All FSU graduates demonstrate respect for differences, and an increase in their cultural competency.

      注: Recognizing the increasing diversity of the FSU student body, 教职员工, FSU will create greater opportunities for inclusion and public celebration of diversity.

    • Progress 2016-2018


      行动项目 & Allocation of Resources  

      During the summer 2017 planning retreat, several strategic initiatives were identified for funding. Funds were set aside to a) focus on increased marketing and recruitment efforts; b) begin a regional assessment of career opportunities for graduates; c) study the feasibility of advising centers; and, d) use analytics to improve retention/graduation rates and budgeting/resource allocation.

      Funded 行动项目

      a. Marketing and recruiting: Approximately $75,000 was allocated to additional initiatives that included:

      • a narrated campus virtual tour
      • additional student connection opportunities through Hobsons 
      • advertising at bus stops at feeder schools where students use public transportation
      • expanded targeted social media advertising in the regional resident zone
      • Bobcat Boxes sent to alumni who are teachers

      b. Regional career opportunities: No University funds required.

      • utilizing funds from the governor to establish a VP for Regional Development 

      c. Advising centers feasibility

      d. Analytics for recruitment and retention: No University funds required.

      • utilizing Helio校园, a higher education analytics platform that solves admissions, student retention and recruiting problems.

    • 行动项目7

      Frostburg State University fosters regional development through increased: 1) number of graduates employed in the region; 2) number of businesses created by faculty, 工作人员, or graduates; and 3) number of collaborative regional development projects.

      Supports 战略目标 3.A b c

      Responsible Division/Vice President: Regional Engagement/Mr. 迪莉娅

      2023年的结果: Career placement data indicate FSU graduates are employed within the region and state in appropriate career tracks within six months of graduation.

      注: This needs further development

    • Progress 2016-2018


      行动项目 & Allocation of Resources  

      During the summer 2017 planning retreat, several strategic initiatives were identified for funding. Funds were set aside to a) focus on increased marketing and recruitment efforts; b) begin a regional assessment of career opportunities for graduates; c) study the feasibility of advising centers; and, d) use analytics to improve retention/graduation rates and budgeting/resource allocation.

      Funded 行动项目

      a. Marketing and recruiting: Approximately $75,000 was allocated to additional initiatives that included:

      • a narrated campus virtual tour
      • additional student connection opportunities through Hobsons 
      • advertising at bus stops at feeder schools where students use public transportation
      • expanded targeted social media advertising in the regional resident zone
      • Bobcat Boxes sent to alumni who are teachers

      b. Regional career opportunities: No University funds required.

      • utilizing funds from the governor to establish a VP for Regional Development 

      c. Advising centers feasibility

      d. Analytics for recruitment and retention: No University funds required.

      • utilizing Helio校园, a higher education analytics platform that solves admissions, student retention and recruiting problems.
  1. Promote and market Frostburg State University’s successes, 的优势, and assets in Maryland and the region. 

    • 行动项目7

      Frostburg State University fosters regional development through increased: 1) number of graduates employed in the region; 2) number of businesses created by faculty, 工作人员, or graduates; and 3) number of collaborative regional development projects.

      Supports 战略目标 3.A b c

      Responsible Division/Vice President: Regional Engagement/Mr. 迪莉娅

      2023年的结果: Career placement data indicate FSU graduates are employed within the region and state in appropriate career tracks within six months of graduation.

      注: This needs further development

    • Progress 2016-2018


      行动项目 & Allocation of Resources  

      During the summer 2017 planning retreat, several strategic initiatives were identified for funding. Funds were set aside to a) focus on increased marketing and recruitment efforts; b) begin a regional assessment of career opportunities for graduates; c) study the feasibility of advising centers; and, d) use analytics to improve retention/graduation rates and budgeting/resource allocation.

      Funded 行动项目

      a. Marketing and recruiting: Approximately $75,000 was allocated to additional initiatives that included:

      • a narrated campus virtual tour
      • additional student connection opportunities through Hobsons 
      • advertising at bus stops at feeder schools where students use public transportation
      • expanded targeted social media advertising in the regional resident zone
      • Bobcat Boxes sent to alumni who are teachers

      b. Regional career opportunities: No University funds required.

      • utilizing funds from the governor to establish a VP for Regional Development 

      c. Advising centers feasibility

      d. Analytics for recruitment and retention: No University funds required.

      • utilizing Helio校园, a higher education analytics platform that solves admissions, student retention and recruiting problems.

    • 行动项目10

      FSU is promoted through traditional and emerging market media to the target segments identified in the recruitment plan that highlights successes, 服务, and features appropriate to each target segment.

      Supports 战略目标 3.C,第四.A

      Responsible Division/Vice President: Enrollment Management/Ms. Cash; University Advancement, Mr. 短

      2023年的结果: Marketing artifacts are visible and recognizable to targeted segments of the regional and state population.

      注: 焦点是双重的. Primary focus is to increase FSU awareness among high school students, transfers, and working adults. The secondary focus is increasing public and alumni knowledge of FSU accomplishments.

    • Progress 2016-2018


      行动项目 & Allocation of Resources  

      During the summer 2017 planning retreat, several strategic initiatives were identified for funding. Funds were set aside to a) focus on increased marketing and recruitment efforts; b) begin a regional assessment of career opportunities for graduates; c) study the feasibility of advising centers; and, d) use analytics to improve retention/graduation rates and budgeting/resource allocation.

      Funded 行动项目

      a. Marketing and recruiting: Approximately $75,000 was allocated to additional initiatives that included:

      • a narrated campus virtual tour
      • additional student connection opportunities through Hobsons 
      • advertising at bus stops at feeder schools where students use public transportation
      • expanded targeted social media advertising in the regional resident zone
      • Bobcat Boxes sent to alumni who are teachers

      b. Regional career opportunities: No University funds required.

      • utilizing funds from the governor to establish a VP for Regional Development 

      c. Advising centers feasibility

      d. Analytics for recruitment and retention: No University funds required.

      • utilizing Helio校园, a higher education analytics platform that solves admissions, student retention and recruiting problems.